George Alex Koulieris
His primary research interests lie in the field of computer graphics, in particular, applied visual perception to rendering and display hardware, with a strong focus on near-eye displays and virtual reality.
He’s currently an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science at Durham University. Previously he was a post-doctoral researcher at Inria, France, team GraphDeco, working on near-eye, stereo displays in collaboration with George Drettakis and Martin S. Banks.
Even further in the past, he was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley, working on the vergence – accommodation conflict for head-mounted displays. Before that, he was a PhD candidate at the Dept. of Electronic & Computer Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, Greece supervised by Katerina Mania and in collaboration with George Drettakis and Douglas W. Cunningham. During his PhD thesis he worked on gaze prediction for game balancing, level-of-detail rendering and stereo grading. Previous to his PhD, he was an intern at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, team REVES working on soft shadow mapping. During his Master’s thesis he worked on medical MRI volume data processing and visualisation.